Let us know how it goes and share your findings. To share the file, please use Adobe Send feature, upload the file, share the link to files via private message only, How Do I Send Private Message
If it is specific to one PDF, is it possible to share the PDF file with us so that we can try it at our end? Have you tried exporting any other PDF file? Is it specific to one PDF or with all the PDF files? Try exporting the PDF file through the URL with your Adobe ID and password on a browser like Chrome, or Firefox, or Safari and see if this brings any difference. You may also refer to Can't edit converted Word or Excel file If you cannot edit your Word document, it’s probably protected with password. Enter the password for the document, and click OK. Navigate to the bottom of the panel, and click Stop Protection.
However, that may not be the case for other mechanisms of creating PDFs. OCR is enabled by default when you convert your files via the Export PDF services. We apologize for the inconvenience caused, as per the description above, you are not able to edit certain parts of the document when you convert a PDF file to Word, Is that correct?